Creating Custom Security Policies

Cyber Safety supports fully-customized cybersecurity policies. If our included templates don't meet your needs, you've got options to replace or create new policies.

When to use a custom policy?

Not sure if customized policies are the way to go? Here are some common use cases and scenarios where customize policies are appropriate to use:

  • You need a policy that's not part of our standard template package. This is pretty obvious - if you need a policy that doesn't have a template, you can create your own. For a list of all available policy templates, check out this help article
  • The policy template doesn't include what you need or includes stuff you don't need. There are no one-size-fits-all policy templates, so if the policy template doesn't quite match your needs, you can create a custom policy that replaces our template.

Creating custom policies

There are two options for creating custom security policies:

Option 1 - Replacing a template with your own policy

If you need to make more changes than what an existing policy template allows, or if you already have an existing policy that you want to add to Cyber Safety.

  1. Click on the policy you wish to replace in the Security Policies module.
  2. Click on the "Use Your Own Policy" link on the upper right.
  3. Paste your custom policy,


Note: the customization window opens with a completely blank policy. If there's any text you'd like to use from the template, copy it before you click "Use Your own Policy".


Option 2 - Creating your own policy

If you need a policy and there's no template in Cyber Safety, you can create a new custom policy of your own.

  1. In the Security Policies module, find the Custom Policies section at the bottom of the page.
  2. Click on the "New Security Policy" button.
  3. Enter the name of your new custom policy and click "Create Policy".



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